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Logo Portici

Piazza San Pasquale 1
I-80055 Portici
Contact person: Prof. Emilia De Paola
Tel: +39 081 48 59 64
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Our school is a secondary school located in Portici, a town and municipality of the Metropolitan City of Naples. It lies on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius, near the beautiful Granatello harbor and the Royal Palace of the Bourbon kings.

"Liceo Scientifico Filippo Silvestri" is composed of a central building and an annex, with 1150 pupils and 95 teachers. It is endowed with well-equipped laboratories where it is possible to teach according to innovative methods and with the use of information technology. The school offers two different paths of study, a traditional one for scientific studies and one in the domain of applied science, and is ' leading school ' for a number of national and European projects and training courses for teachers and staff, such as Erasmus+, ICT, M@tabel, Didatec. It is also a Trinity and AICA Test Center.

Students (13 -18) attend the school to obtain a balanced cultural training in the linguistic-historical- philosophical field and in the scientific one and learn to understand the fundamental issues of the development of thought and the links between the methods of knowledge of mathematics and experimental science and the ones which are typical of the liberal arts.

The socio-economic background is a middle-low one and classes include students with special needs. The scope of education is national but the school has a lot of international contacts and experience thanks to a past Comenius project, eTwinning activities and school exchanges. Teachers have experience of mobilities and administrative staff is familiar with the running of European projects. Education innovation is a priority and this year also a project of work-related learning is taking place.

Video: school description

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