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Logo St.Paul 1

Hauptstrasse 1
A-9470 St. Paul im Lavanttal
Contact person: Prof. Giovanni Santoro
Tel: +43 4357 2304
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The “öffentliches Stiftsgymnasium der Benediktiner“ in St. Paul (public grammar school run by Benedictines in St. Paul )/ Lavanttal is a school of general secondary education, comprising Level I / ISCED 2/ 10 – 13 years and Level II / ISCED 3&4 / 14- 17 years, with 550 students and 43 teachers.

The school is located in a small village in the valley of the Lavant, in a rural area about 70 km from Klagenfurt, capital of Carinthia. As the only school in the valley, it is attended by students from nearby villages and cities.

Our school focuses on languages and natural sciences, which are conveyed by academically trained teachers, who are applying the latest cultural and teaching methods based on a classical humanistic background. We are aiming to turn our graduates into tolerant, cosmopolitan, critical and well-educated people with excellent educational qualifications.

Within the framework of the SQA (quality system used), the SGA (representatives of parents, pupils and teachers) and all professional groups we are determined to ensure a sustainable school development which is fit for the future and oriented at the intra-generational and inter-generational demands of contemporary and future students.

Video: school description

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